WhatsApp has been instrumental in keeping you in touch with us during the current Corona epidemic. In this we are exchanging messages related to office and work with personal as well as colleagues and friends.
In this case, sometimes important messages are being deleted. Although it is difficult for iPhone users to recover deleted messages on WhatsApp, Android users can bring back recently deleted messages.
Today we are going to tell you some tips for that, which will help you to bring back the deleted message on WhatsApp. But it has failed to give 100% results.
With the help of computers based on Windows and Mac, users can get closer to their needs.
Here’s how to recover deleted messages on WhatsApp
- Your Windows and Mac computer DR DOT Phone (dr.fone) to download and install the recovery tool.
- Connect your Android smartphone to your computer via USB cable.
- Now open the DR dot phone app on your computer.
- Go to the main menu and click on the Recover option.
- Now on the left you will find a list of folders.
- Locate the WhatsApp Messages and Attachments folder in it.
- Select the folder and click Confirm to proceed.
- With this kind of process you can easily recover deleted important photos, documents and messages.
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